Fly Like Daedalus
For thousands of year man (and woman) dreamt of flight and what it would be like, to fly along side brids and view the world from a different perspective. In Greek mythology, Daedalus built 2 sets of wings for he and his son, Icarus. Daedalus warned of the dangers of flying too close the ocean (the dampness would clog the wings), and of the sun (the sun's heat would melt the wings). Icarus ignored these warnings and it didn't end too well for him. Today, flight is taken for granted, thousands of enormously heavy metal objects fly over our heads and few appreciate the perspective gained through truly experiencing the gift of flight. After a week and almost 3000 miles of driving I definitely appreciated covering that same distance in just 4 hours and being able to view the journey I just made from a bird's eye view. It was an incredible journey that I'm glad I was able to make and help my boi move across the country. Best of luck to wherever your life's journey takes you
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